
Saha Na Vavatu

2014 Plattsburgh

Saha na vavatu
Saha nau bhunaktu
Saha viryam karavavahai
Tejas vinavadhitam astu ma vidvisa vahai
Om santissantissantih

This is the chant that my teacher, Fran Ubertini would use to open our teacher training classes. It is used in a learning situation, such as I hope this will become. I hope to use this space to share knowledge, support recovery and foster transformation along a yogic path. I welcome your feedback!

The chant asks that both of us be protected (Saha na vavatu) and that both of us enjoy the situation. (Saha bhunaktu) I think it’s appropriate to use for my new website site because it is due to the lessons of my teacher and her teachers, Sonia Nelson and T.K.V Desikachar (saha viryam) that I have the courage and the light to try to explain Yoga for Healing. (Tejas vinava dhitam astu)

So let there be no situation between us where there is mutual dislike (Ma vidvesa vahai) and let us experience peace (Om santi santi santihi).